Check it out.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Duke's Ducks

The Beach in October!
So, the week after the wedding, Rylan's parent (from Utah) and Ry's sister, Daina and family (from Georgia) came to visit. We packed a lot into their trip. We went to Seagrove, NC to look at North Carolina pottery.
We also took a day trip to Wrightsville Beach, NC. Need I remind you it is OCTOBER! If Rylan's parents had stayed in Utah on Saturday the 20th, they would have been shoveling snow. Instead, they were walking barefoot on the beach! It was a gorgeous day. We must have swam in the water for 3 or 4 hours. It was warm and sunny. We boogie boarded, swam, built sand castles, and soaked up the sun!

After a fun and sun filled day, Rylee was exhausted. But before falling asleep on the car ride home, she and Mairyn donned makeup from Mairyn's new makeup kit. As you can see, blush was a popular choice. This all happened in the Romney car (Rylan's sister) which was soon after labeled the "fun car". (Needless to say, Ry and I were not in the fun car. And while we were not given the name officially, I could not help but think that this made ours the "unfun car"). At the end of the day, it was all I could do to get the sand, the salt, and the makeup off of Rylee. If how dirty you are is somehow proportional to how much fun you've had, than this was probably one of the best days of Rylee's life!

Congrats Renee and Joel!
Its been a while since my last post. We have been busy! One of my best friends, Renee, is now Mrs. Renee Leonard. She had a gorgeous wedding and as you can tell, she looked stunning!
Which leads me to describe the photo. The reception was held at The Carolina Inn and in the middle of Renee's dance with her father, the fire alarm went off! We all had to be evacuated. The firetrucks came and Renee and Joel got this one-of-kind picture taken with the firefighters. For a moment, I was worried that it
would be upsetting for Renee, but as you can see, both bride and groom are in great spirits! After 10 or 15 minutes we all filed back into the reception hall and the rest of the evening was flawless! I know this is one of those stories they will look back on and laugh! The other photo is Ry and I at the rehearsal dinner which I added after realizing I had not posted one of the two of us together. Congrats to Renee and Joel!

Monday, October 8, 2007
Home Sweet Home

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
"Sister Handsome"

So, preschool last Wednesday was Healthy Foods day (the unit we are doing right now is All About Me/My Body). We made this cool food guide pyramid. I knew that Rylee would have fun doing this preschool, but who knew I would like it this much! Sometimes Rylee says things like "I want to go to Harrison's house for preschool" when it is at our house or "Sister Dyreng is the funniest teacher!" So maybe I am not the most creative or funny of the three moms, but I feel like I am doing an okay job and, according to Harrison, I am "Sister Handsome"! So hey, I'll take that!

Monday, September 24, 2007
The Best of Both Worlds
Rylee is in two preschools this fall. One is at a local church on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-noon. She is in the "Penguin Class". The other was put together by three moms in our church (including me!). We call ourselves the "Sunbeam Preschool" because the 4 kids (one mom has twin girls) are in Rylee's Sunbeam primary class. So these next two weeks the Sunbeam Preschool is being held at my house on Monday and Wednesday from 10am-noon. Monday was Oral Health day! For me, it was like the best of both worlds: teaching what I studied in school to Rylee and her friends! We made these mouths with Lima Beans for teeth. I have dried glue all over my coffee table but who cares! They turned out so cute I had to take a picture!

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Life is good

When I look back over an entire week, I can't believe how my life has changed over the past 3 months. Take this week for example: on Tuesday I baked a pie (my first!), on Wednesday I dusted off my sewing machine and helped the young men sew hammocks for an upcoming campout, on Thursday I made 5lbs. of Coleslaw, bought 72 rolls at Costco, and set up for enrichment, and on Saturday I decorated this cake at Women's Day. Fill in the other hours with a big dose of Rylee and wow...I am a mom! I mean, obviously I have been a mom for almost four years but I just really feel blessed to be in this new stage of life. For the last 3 years it felt like 80% of my daily efforts went to achieving one big goal that could only be concluded on May 13th, 2007. Now, I feel like 80% of my efforts are for things I can accomplish today/this week/this month. And for now, I like it that way. Life is good!
So about my cake...I hope its easy to tell that its a Winnie the Pooh cake. I came home from

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Rylee's Sense of Humor
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I Was Tagged

- Mom
- Dental Hygienist
- Dental Assistant
- Shoe Store Sales Associate (hated this job!)
- Receptionist for a tanning salon
- Waitress
MOVIES that I could watch over and over:
- Steel Magnolias
- home movies
Favorite T.V Shows:
- 24 (all time favorite)
- Grey's Anatomy
(and occasionally The Office and My Name is Earl)
Favorite Hobbies:
- Reading...recently Harry Potter...although that is quickly coming to an end :(
- walking outside (especially now that it is not so hot)
- boating/water skiing/tubing/swimming/skinny dipping (just kidding!)
- making things with my hands...whether its a craft, a scrapbook page, a new recipe, or refinishing a piece of furniture
Places I have lived:
- Chapel Hill, NC
- Provo, UT
- Layton, UT
- Salt Lake City, UT
- Gottingen, Germany (my Dad did a sabbatical for work here when I was 12)
- Canberra, Australia (where I was born)
Favorite Foods:
- almost anything chocolate
- Fresh fruit
- Fondue
- Greek cuisine
- Thai Cuisine
Places I would rather be right now:
- playgroup with Rylee's friends and their moms...I miss going!
- Hawaii with Rylan
- a Disney cruise with all of Rylee's cousins/aunts/uncles
- Smith Mountain Lake with my Dad
Websites I check Daily:
- my Gmail e-mail account
- my blog and those linked to my blog
Friday, September 7, 2007
Frogs, Butterflies, and Ballerinas

butterfly and a frog
(pretending to be a frog basically involves lying on her tummy and pointing her feet toward her head...or at least that is how she demonstrated it). Just to warn you...I will probably have another ballet posting at some point in the future because 3 year olds learning ballet is just about one of the cutest things I can think of!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Summer days are drifting away

Here we are at Jordan Lake on my dad's boat. What a blast! Rylee felt so independent in her little life jacket. I am getting really excited for Fall and the upcoming series of Holidays. However, when I look at these pictures, I can't help but feel a little sad that the warm "carefree days" (do those really exist?) of summer are almost over.
My New Life...Our New Blog

May 13th, 2007. Whew! Am I glad that day has come and gone! Graduation was exciting but I must admit that I am super happy to be finished my degree. Life has slowed down to a more reasonable pace and now I have time to do all of the things I never had time to do creating a family blog! I am hoping this blog will allow our family to stay in better touch with those we love who don't live close by. And for those who do, well, I know how much I enjoy viewing your blogs even when we see you regularly. So, visit often and enjoy!
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