Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Sister Handsome"

So, preschool last Wednesday was Healthy Foods day (the unit we are doing right now is All About Me/My Body). We made this cool food guide pyramid. I knew that Rylee would have fun doing this preschool, but who knew I would like it this much! Sometimes Rylee says things like "I want to go to Harrison's house for preschool" when it is at our house or "Sister Dyreng is the funniest teacher!" So maybe I am not the most creative or funny of the three moms, but I feel like I am doing an okay job and, according to Harrison, I am "Sister Handsome"! So hey, I'll take that!


Kristi said...

That Pyramid is so awesome! It looks like you guys have a GREAT time together. I noticed Harrison was sitting in the red chair also--I've heard this is the sought after chair. Lucky boy.:)

Jami & Boys said...

Hey, I'm sure you are both creative and fun! You'll have to give me some ideas -- I'm in charge of a similar unit next week.

Angela said...

That is so cool! You are just like a real teacher! That is so awesome. Sometimes I feel like showing off Rylee like she was my kid or something! I always want people to "see how cute she is." hA! I miss you!

melissa said...

Rachael, that looks awesome! You are definitely creative and handsome. Harrison loves going to your house for preschool!