Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just following doctors orders...

A few weeks ago Rylee had surgery to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. Two days later she went to ballet and a birthday party and I thought "wow, what a quick recovery". What I didn't realize was that the real pain starts once the healing is a little further along. Rylee spent almost the entire next week in bed and went 3 days without eating anything except about a 1/2 cup of ice cream per day. After 2 weeks we went to Georgia and while we were there we went on a picnic with family. Rylee was still eating mostly soft foods and as a result was able to get away with only eating the cream center of a whole stack of Oreos. Perhaps it was a little wasteful but she sure licked them clean. Besides, the cream filling is the best part anyways!


Kenyon and Jaima said...

This looks a lot like an Oreo cookie commercial. I love the stack of discarded wafers next to the can of sugar free root-beer. Priceless. Love you Rylee.

Natalie said...

Poor little thing! That is just awful!